Friday, January 30, 2009

Words i received from Daily Words

niggling = trifle, petty worry
use = a niggling doubt

formidable = Difficult to accomplish
use = a formidable task

manifold = multiple, diverse
use = Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader

perpetuate = cause to continue
use = perpetuate the violence

site = location
use = the site for the new hospital

tawdry = gaudy, cheap
use = he won a few tawdry trinkets at the village fair

impede = hinder
use = a broken-down car is impeding the flow of traffic

elate = raise spirits
use = you will feel elated on your success

verge = border, edge
use = you are on the verge of a big success

survey = to examine in a comprehensive way
use = He got out of the car to survey the damage

dogmatic = certain, unchanging in opinion
use = a dogmatic approach to life

locomotion = moving from one place to another
use = *

stupefy = deaden, dumfound
use = *
scorn = disdain, reject
use = She has nothing but scorn for him

minuscule = small
use = two minuscule pieces of toast

convey = communicate
use = You don't want to convey the impression that we're not interested

Wishing you happy new year.
wish you will come across lots of luck, good fortune and fun filled experiences this year.
wish you will be bestowed with the good health and active mind.
wish you will find peace with in you and be able to share it with your people around you.
wish you be loved by every one and return love every one around.

wishing you a Great year ahead and just Rock on Dude
wishes from
Tanka Nath Sharma

retinue = group of attendants
use = a large retinue of aides and bodyguards

prologue = introduction
use = A series of internal struggles was the prologue to full-scale civil war

distract = divert
use = Don't distract her from her studies

brink = edge
use = to the brink of failure

execute = put into effect
use = execute a will

transfiguration = a change, an exalting change
use = *

execute = put into effect
use = execute a will

transfiguration = a change, an exalting change
use = *

niggardly = stingy
use = a niggardly donation

resurgent = Surging back or again
use = the resurgent militarism in the country.

peregrinate = to wander from place to place
use = *

imperceptible = slight, intangible
use = imperceptible changes

Enjoy a new trip around the sun -Tanka

perspicuous = lucid
use = her perspicuous remarks eliminated any possibility of misunderstanding

marital = of marriage
use = marital happiness

transformation = a change in form or appearance
use = I'd never seen him in smart evening clothes before - it was quite a transformation

dwindle = To diminish or become less
use = dwindled to a tenth of its former size

revision = new version
use = These proposals will need a lot of revision

imbue = infuse, dye, wet
use = His poetry is imbued with religious feelings

avocation = hobby
use = I am a rocket scientist, but music is my avocation

expertise = knowledge, ability
use = expertise in law

prosecutor = person who initiates a legal action or suit
use = public prosecutor

dotard = senile old person
use = *

counterpart = a person or thing which has the same purpose
use = the prime minister is to meet his counterpart during the visit

desultory = without direction in life, at random, rambling, unmethodical
use = She made a desultory attempt at conversation

tertiary = third
use = *

jettison = to throw overboard, abandon
use = The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts

tertiary = third
use = *

jettison = to throw overboard, abandon
use = The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts

interim = Time between acts or periods, temporary
use = an interim solution

in toto = in full, entirely
use = The available information amounts to very little in toto

ornate = lavishly decorated
use = an ornate ceiling and gold mirrors

caucus = a small group within an organization or a meeting of such a group
use = the party held a caucus to elect a leader

stringent = severe, strict
use = stringent laws

snub = ignore
use = she felt snubbed

score = notation for a musical composition
use = a film score

stereotyped = over simplified, lacking individually, seen as a type
use = *

deceive = trick
use = the company deceived customers

surrogate = substitute
use = a surrogate child

amass = collect
use = amass enormous wealth

transparent = Easy to see through or understand
use = transparent Glass

accrue = to accumulate, grow by additions
use = accrue vacations

salacious = licentious
use = a salacious film

catalyst = something that causes change without being changed
use = a catalyst for change

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